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[Teaching] How to make two apps with ad-supported and ad-free versions. [iOS only]

When you have a mobile app, you want to have a free version with ads (a stable source of income), but you also want to have a clean and one professional version.
That will tell you how to do it simple! Let’s keep watching…

(1) According to the vBulletin application construction step, construct a complete version containing the advertisement. And submit it to Apple.

(2) Re-construct the app after coming to the app build page, editing the “Google AdMob Mediation” option and adjusting to “I don’t want AdMob Mediation”.

(3) Download the new ad-free version. Unzip its archive.

(4) Locate the file with the file name “.ipa”, right click and select “Open File Application” – “Archive Tool” to decompress.
Get the folder “Payload” & folder file like “7b0814cg5200”. (Note: 5200 of them belong to vBulletin member background application serial number)

(5) Rename “7b0814cg5200” to “7b0814cg5200pro”

(6) Right click on “Display Kit Contents”

(7) Find and double-click to open “Info.plist”
(7.1) Bundle name: 7b0814cg5200 Changed to Bundle name: 7b0814cg5200pro
(7.2) Bundle display name:SiteName changed to Bundle display name:SiteNamePro
(7.3) Bundle versions string, short:VersionNumber, for example: “2.0.0”
(7.4) Bundle version: VersionNumber&GenerationTime, for example: “ 7257420”. Note: “1567257420” is based on the UNIX system timestamp, which is “201 9-08-31 21:17:0”. For conversion, please refer to this website “Unix timestamp timestamp online conversion tool
(7.5) Localization native development region: In localization settings, you can change to different zones according to your preference. For example: Taiwan “Taiwan”
(7.6) FacebookAppID: Facebook App ID
(7.7) Bundle identifier: For those who refer to this article, please do not modify this setting! Do not modify! Do not modify!
(7.8) If any other program name appears, it can be modified by the same name as (7.2).
(7.9) After the modification is completed, click the upper left corner (X) to save the changes.

(8) Find and double-click to open “GoogleService-Info.plist”
(8.1) BUNDLE_ID: com.internetbrands.7b0814cg5200 Changed to BUNDLE_ID: com.internetbrands.7b0814cg5200pro
(8.2) Other settings are set according to the SDK generated by the Google Firebase project.
(8.3) After the modification is completed, click the upper left corner (X) to save the changes.

(9) Return to the folder in step (4) and make sure that it is in the same directory as “Payload”.
Open the “Terminal” program and go to the directory to proceed to the next step.

(10) Use the following instructions to package and generate a resigned.ipa file.

zip -qr resigned.ipa Payload/

(11) Unzip “vBulletin Re-Sign.zip” and get “vBulletin Resign 2.0.app” and open it.

(12) Complete the following settings according to the vBulletin Native Manual Section 6
(12.1) The first item, “drag” file to enter; or click on the right side of “Browse” to select “.ipa”
(12.2) The second item, “drag” file to enter; or click on the right side of “Browse” to select “.mobileprovision”
(12.3) The third item, “fill in” step (7.2)
(12.4) The fourth item, “Dropdown” selects the signature number

(13) “resigned-Original.ipa” will be generated after the file is re-signed. (Composition: resigned-original file name.ipa)

(14) Execute “Xcode” → click the “Xcode” function column → move to “Open Developer Tool” → open “Application Loader”
Double-click “Delivery Application” or click “Select” and select step (13) to re-sign the file to load the application information preview.

(15) Confirm “Application”: Name, version, SKU number, primary language, copyright, type, Apple ID… are correct,
After error-free, click Next to upload the file to App Store Connect via Application Loader.
Go to the App Store Connect to complete the app information and submit it for review.

(16) Once the review is complete, it will be available.

Refer to our Professional app~
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